Category Archives: Uncategorized

Activating and Engaging (is it really necessary?)

Bruce Wellman and Laura Lipton (2004) have developed a widely used method for looking at student data called the “Data-Driven Dialogue” (DDD).  The dialogue includes three steps: (1) activating and engaging, (2) exploring and discovering, and (3) organizing and integrating.  … Continue reading

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Jimmer Fredette Sets a Goal and Research Finds Coaching with Goal Setting Works

I saw two interesting stories last week about the importance of setting goals. The first was during the NCAA tournament when CBS reported about Jimmer Fredette’s contract he made with his brother to reach his ultimate dream of playing in … Continue reading

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Know Your Learning Target and Goal Setting

The March Educational Leadership has an article by Moss, Brookhart, and Long titled “Know Your Learning Target” that argues that students who know their learning goal are “empowered, self-regulating, motivated, and intentional learners.”  With a high quality learning target a … Continue reading

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